
The way I experience activations, they are times of big shifts & growth. As we come to completion with one version of ourselves, other versions are ready for activation. These are not "new" things we need to learn or bring in from the outside, these are truths we were born with that have been waiting to re-awaken!

Activations sometimes appear as outer or internal shake ups. It can be uncomfortable when things don’t feel quite right….yet.

I’m here to bring lightness to these moments by :

  • Being a loving support & witness

  • Creating community & ceremony - we are not meant to go it alone

  • Channelling magical tools to help create easeful transitions

Intuitive Guidance Sessions &

the 3 Month Moon Goddess Journey

I am a translator, tuning into the spiritual supports available to us all, whom I call the spirit guides, the ancestors and our soul. I bring forth guidance, a bigger picture perspective of what is happening in our lives, & magical tools for support on our journey. I do this in one-on-one Intuitive Guidance Sessions as well as the 3 Month Moon Goddess Journey.


“Patricia holds space so beautifully and holds a power in the way she listens. She gently tunes into a deeper layer of what is being shared, allowing a new angle and approach to enter in. Each session opens a new layer of discovery to uncover the hidden potential and wisdom within me. Her offering of self-practice tools supports the process to continue beyond the session.”

~ Kate, Wisconsin ~

About me

After 25 years of working at a desk under fluorescent lights, I left the corporate world in New York City behind and became a yoga teacher in the Catskill mountains. My journey of exploration of energy began there. After many years of study and training, I was called to facilitate group and one-on-one Intuitive Guidance sessions where I communicate with ancestors and spirit guides to help gain a broader perspective on the situations at hand.

In 2020, as a response to quarantine, I picked up my first hula hoop. Moving with this magical plastic circle has become a passion. Once I learned some moves I began to drop words into my auric field as I was hooping. These words (such as Belonging, Trust, Power, Ease) began to infuse my life and I saw incredible shifts in my perspective and in what was coming towards me. Hoop Dance Activation was born. It has become my favorite and most powerful activation tool. I’ve created the Hoop Dance Activation Oracle card deck to share this tool with the world.

I’m blessed to be living my activation and sharing what comes through me. I would love to connect if this all speaks to you.

